用php定制404错误页面 并发信通知管理员


折叠 展开 PHP Code 复制内容到剪贴板

  1. 设置 $domain 为你的域名 (注意没有www)

  2. $domain = "oncoding.net" ;

  3. 设置URL,注意没有后划线 /

  4. $docroot = "http://oncoding.net" ;

  5. 设置错误信息的字体

  6. $fontface = "Verdana" ;

  7. 设置404页面的字体大小

  8. $fontsize = "2" ;

  9. 设置404页面的背景颜色,缺省是白色

  10. $bgcolor = "#ffffff" ;

  11. 设置文字颜色,缺省是黑色

  12. $textcolor = "#000000" ;

    1. 使用 $reportlevel 变量来控制是否发信给网管

  13. 0 = 根本不用发信,嘿,NB的我们怎么会出错呢

  14. 1 = 只有在页面含有你的DOMAIN NAME时才发信

  15. 2 = 即使是与我连接出现的断连也发信,有可能是友情站点

  16. $reportlevel = 2; //这种最保险了

    1. $emailaddress = "[email protected]" ; //设置收错误信息的邮箱
      1. function print_details()
  17. {

  18. Request access to the global variables we need

  19. global $fontface , $fontsize , $docroot , $REQUEST_URI , $reportlevel ;

  20. global $bgcolor , $textcolor ;

    1. Print the 404 error in web format

  21. echo "

 1<html><head><title>404 没有找到页面</title></head>"  ; 
 2  32. echo  "<body bgcolor="  $bgcolor  " text="  $textcolor  ">"  ; 
 3  33. echo  "<b><h1>404 对不起,我没有找到您要求的页面</h1></b>"  ; 
 4  34. echo  "<p><font face="  $fontface  " size="  $fontsize  ">"  ; 
 5  35. echo  "oncoding编码营提醒您,您要求的页面 $docroot$REQUEST_URI, doesn't exist"  ; 
 6  36. echo  " on this server.</font></p>"  ; 
 7  37.   38. if  (  $reportlevel  != 0) 
 8  39. { 
 9  40. echo  "<p><font face="  $fontface  " size="  $fontsize  ">"  ; 
10  41. echo  "错误信息已经发送到oncoding编码营管理员信箱."  ; 
11  42. } 
12  43.   44. return  ; 
13  45. } 
14  46.   47.   48. # EMAIL处理函数 
15  49.   50. function  send_email() 
16  51. { 
17  52. # Request access to the  global  variables we need 
18  53. global  $REQUEST_URI  ,  $HTTP_REFERER  ,  $emailaddress  ,  $REMOTE_ADDR  ,  $docroot  ; 
19  54.   55. # 定制发送的消息,如时间地点等. 
20  56. $today  =  getdate  (); 
21  57. $month  =  $today  [mon]; 
22  58. $mday  =  $today  [mday]; 
23  59. $year  =  $today  [year]; 
24  60. $hours  =  $today  [hours]; 
25  61. $minutes  =  $today  [minutes]; 
26  62. $errortime  =  "$month/$mday/$year at $hours:$minutes"  ; 
27  63.   64. # Create the body of the email message 
28  65. $message  .=  "404 Error ReportnnA 404 error was encountered by $REMOTE_ADDR"  ; 
29  66. $message  .=  " on $errortime.nn"  ; 
30  67. $message  .=  "The URI which generated the error is: n$docroot$REQUEST_URInn"  ; 
31  68. $message  .=  "The referring page was:n$HTTP_REFERERnn"  ; 
32  69.   70. # Send the mail message. This assumes mail() will work on your system! 
33  71. mail(  "$emailaddress"  ,  "404 Error Report"  ,  $message  ,  "From: $emailaddress"  );  //发送信息 
34  72.   73. return  ; 
35  74. } 
36  75.   76.   77. # 下面这些是根据变量  $reportlevel  的设置来发信与否。 
37  78. print_details(); 
38  79.   80. # See whether  or  not we should send an email report. If so,  do  it. 
39  81. if  (  $reportlevel  != 0) 
40  82. if  (  $reportlevel  == 1) { 
41  83. if  (  eregi  (  $domain  ,  $HTTP_REFERER  )) 
42  84. send_email(); } 
43  85. else 
44  86. send_email(); 
45  87.   88. # All done! 
46  89. exit  ; 
47  90.   91. 
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